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A Sorted List of Users on their Registration date using ASP .NET Membership Objects
Written By Omer Kamal On 03/02/2008

We will produce a piece of fast cod which will show that how can we create a Sorted List of users using Membership Objects of ASP .NET.

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Tagged Under: ADO .NET, Database, Membership and Users Managment


First we are creating the  MembershipUserCollection Object and Filling it with All Registered users using Membership Object GetAllUsers(); method.

For creating the Sorted list we need a DataView Object which will be created through Filling a DataTable from all users data.


public DataView GetAllUsersDataTable()
     MembershipUserCollection mc = new MembershipUserCollection();
    mc = Membership.GetAllUsers();

    DataTable dt = new DataTable("LastUsers");
   dt.Columns.Add("UserName", typeof(string));
   dt.Columns.Add("Rdate", typeof(DateTime));

   foreach (MembershipUser st in mc)
      dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] { st.UserName, st.CreationDate });

   DataView dv = new DataView(dt);
   return dv;


Now we will sort the DataView on users Registration data. (Descended i.e last registered 1st)


DataView tView = GetAllUsersDataTable();
tView.Sort = "Rdate DESC";

GridView1.DataSource = tView;

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About the Author:

@@ Omer Kamal is a Software Developer at Elanize KG Germany. He MSc. Mathematics from Islamia University Bahawalpur, Pakistan and Certified Developer from National Institute of Electronics Islamabad, Pakistan. He is Founder of and He is currently Involved with Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, BI Portal Solutions (Microsoft Dynamics Customization) and Web Security Solutions.
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