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Tutorials: Latest Tutorials
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Database Access with Web Service using Visual Studio by omerkamal on 20/07/2007
Create a web service for accessing the online Database using Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Web Developer Express version
Create latest Users list for your website using ASP .NET 2.0 by omerkamal on 16/01/2007
How to create Latest members list using ASP .NET 2.0
Managing Age of a User from Profile field Birthday by omerkamal on 05/01/2007
How to Populate Birthday Dropdownlist, Save Data to Birthday Profile Field and Display Age of the user
Search Users by their Profiles and Display results as Image listing by omerkamal on 04/01/2007
How to search users by their Profile and Display results in a Datalist as a Picture view with the latest version of ASP .NET?
Create a User Profile in Regisration Page by omerkamal on 30/12/2006
How to create user profile the time they get register?
Inserting a new Node to the Google SiteMap Dynamically by omerkamal on 29/12/2006
How to insert a new node in to existing Google Map XML file
Multiple ResultSets with Many GridViews(ADO.NET, ASP .NET 2.0) by omerkamal on 29/12/2006
We will have a look on ADO .NET capabillity of multiple execution of TSQL. Then we will see how to assign Result to different Gidviews.
Cross Page Posting without PreviousPage in ASP.NET 2.0 by admin on 25/12/2006
Here we will discuss a very different method to access the Previous Page Control
Creating a DataTable Dynamically from MS SQL Data Source by admin on 24/12/2006
This Tutorial discribes how to create a DataTable dynamically using MS SQL Data Source
Create a Dynamic Google Sitemap by omerkamal on 17/12/2006
This article about creating a google sitemap programatically
Introduction to ASP.NET with C# by admin on 30/11/2006
ASP .NET is a Framework Language which have an impresive tools to build a robust Website.

Tutorials: Step by Step Programming with Microsoft VC# 2005 Express

First step for Programming with Visual C# 2005 Express by Omer Kamal Jun 20, 2006
This Tutorials Introduces Visual C# 2005 Express Environment- Reader level: Biginner.

Secound step for Programming with Visual C# 2005 Express by Omer Kamal Jun 20, 2006
This Tutorials covers Fundementals of Variables, Constents, Functions, Construtors and Classes - Reader level: Biginner.

Third step for Programming with Visual C# 2005 Express by Omer Kamal Jun 20, 2006
This Tutorials covers Basics of C# Loops Syntex- Reader level: Biginner.

4rth step for Programming with Visual C# 2005 Express by Omer Kamal July 21, 2006
This Tutorials covers Basics of Events in Visual C#- Reader level: Biginner.

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