Usage of FileUpload web server Control

Written by omerkamal on Mar 23, 2007
Different senarioes of Fileupload control in ASP .NET 2.0


1. Save the File to your specified distination

    // Specify the path on the server to save the uploaded file to.
    String savePath = @"c:\root\uploads\";

    // Before attempting to perform operations/ on the file, verify that the FileUpload
    // control contains a file.
    if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
      // Get the name of the file to upload.
      String fileName = FileUpload1.FileName;
      // Append the name of the file to upload to the path.
      savePath += fileName;


2. Save files to a specified directory using PhysicalApplicationPath

       // specif y the upload Directory to cater the website files overwrite like web.config.
       string saveDir = @"\Uploads\"; 

       // Get the physical file system path for the currently executing application.
      string appPath = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath;

     if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
             string savePath = appPath + saveDir +
3. Check the uploaded File size

             // Get the size in bytes of the file to upload.
            int fileSize = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength;
            // Allow only files less than 2,100,000 bytes (approximately 2 MB) to be uploaded.
            if (fileSize < 2100000)

4. Check the uploaded File Extension

            // Get the extension of the uploaded file.
            string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName);
            // Allow only files with .doc or .xls extensions to be uploaded.
            if ((extension == ".doc") | (extension == ".xls"))
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Pretty  neat and straightforward article. Great!!!



04/09/2007 14:31:05 UTC

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