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Articles: Knowledge base for Microsoft ASP .NET 2.0
Adding Web Reference to a Web Service from a Virtual IP URL by s2a2n2 on 10/05/2008
When we add Web Reference to a Web Service from local client Application, the port number of the proxy server (for ex 6098 ) is attached to the actual VIP URL in the...
Client side Delete Confirmation in a Gridview using JavaScript by omerkamal on 23/07/2007
Create a Client side Delete Confirmation in your Gridview using ASP .NET
Calculate Client Time from the Server saved DateTime using ASP .NET Client Callback by omerkamal on 15/07/2007
Calculate the Client DateTime by adding client Timezone offset to the Server saved DateTime using ASP .NET 2.0 Client Callback
Create a Website Navigation or Menu with SiteMapDataSource & SiteMapPath Controls by omerkamal on 05/07/2007
How to add a Navigation bar or a Menu to your Website?
Custom Paging for a Datalist or a Repeater Control by omerkamal on 04/07/2007
Develop a customised paging ability for your Datalist or Repeater Control using ASP .NET 2.0
Manage Roles in your Web site using ASP .NET 2.0 by omerkamal on 03/07/2007
How to work with ASP .NET 2.0 Users Role Management?
Client Callback in the Website Registration Page by omerkamal on 02/07/2007
Create functionality in your Registration Page for avalibilty of the username. How to create a Client Callback in ASP .NET?Getting Response from the Server without a Page Post Back
Add JavaScript to asp:Content block dynamically in ASP .NET 2.0 by kamal on 30/04/2007
How to Insert JavaScript to the page when you are using a Master Page?
Save and Display Images using ASP .NET 2.0 Profile by omerkamal on 08/03/2007
How to save and show images using ASP .NET 2.0 Profiles
Generate an Image from Rendom Text (Creating CAPTHCA) with .NET by omerkamal on 07/03/2007
Text to image generator to block bots submitting to your database using ASP.Net
How to Validate & Verify Users Emails and generate an automatic password? by omerkamal on 28/02/2007
Validation and Verification possibilities of an email in ASP .NET 2.0
Profile.GetProfile() makes profile dirty by omerkamal on 14/01/2007
A little research on the Profile.GetProfile(string) +2 overloads
How to Create a Wiki Like Secured Page in ASP .NET 2.0 by omerkamal on 02/01/2007
Article about secure Pages in ASP .NET 2.0
Detecting Page Refresh in ASP .NET by khattak2 on 28/12/2006
How to detect Page refresh either after postback or by refresh of the Browser
Display Images in a Gridview using SQL Database by omerkamal on 28/12/2006
How to display a picture in the Gridview form Database in ASP .NET 2.0
Profiling in ASP .NET 2.0 by admin on 26/12/2006
How to Create Profiles in ASP .NET 2.0 - Profiling starts here
Redirecting or Transfering Web Server to other page or website. by omerkamal on 23/12/2006
This Article expalians Response.Redirect , Server.Transfer and Server.Execute methods
Loading Images into SQL Server with C# by omerkamal on 13/12/2006
Uploading Images to the web server and saving them to the MS SQL Database
Saving and Retrieving Images From SQL Server Using ADO.NET 2.0 by omerkamal on 06/12/2006
Saving and Retrieving Images From SQL Server Using ADO.NET 2.0
How does Caching work in ASP .NET ? by admin on 30/11/2006
Basics of Page and Data Caching in ASP .NET
How to add icons to a SiteMap Menu in ASP .NET by omerkamal on 22/06/2006
This article is explaining how to add icons to a menu which was created through SiteMapDatasource object.
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