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How To use LIKE Keyword in SQL Query

Written by admin on Mar 23, 2007
Using Like Keyword in SQL Query


Using a LIKE keyword is very usefull for querying SQL Database when cerating a Search Application.

1. If we were sure of the search key word we can do like this.

SELECT  [Comments]  FROM [Tasks] LIKE="C# Task"

This satment is Equivalent to

SELECT  [Comments]  FROM [Tasks] WHERE="C# Task"

2. If we are not sure for the exext Text and we only know the Part of the Text then:

SELECT  [Comments]  FROM [Tasks] LIKE="%C# Task"

This will work for all Text ending with "C# Task".

3. If you think that the Text is lying some where in the middle of the Text then:

SELECT  [Comments]  FROM [Tasks] LIKE="%C# Task%"
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