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Articles: Knowledge base for C# 2.0 , .NET Framework 3.0
How to Update a Windows Form Control from a Background Thread by kamal on 01/06/2007
How to invoke a Control from with in the Thread using Visual C#
Theoretical Introduction to Design Patterns by kamal on 16/04/2007
We will discuss about the Design Patterns and their different kinds
Create a Web Service Client in C# .NET 3.0 by omerkamal on 21/03/2007
How to access a Web Service with ASP .NET 3.0 by using C-Sharp
How to add and select Treeview Nodes? by omerkamal on 21/03/2007
Adding and Selecting nodes of the Treeview Control in .NET 2.0
C# Preprocessing Directives by omerkamal on 11/03/2007
What are Preprocessing Directives in C#
Iterators in C# 2.0 by omerkamal on 10/03/2007
an other new specification standard of C# 2.0
Anonymous methods in C# 2.0 by omerkamal on 10/03/2007
little discusion about Anonymous methods. A new standard for C# 2.0
Nullable types in C# 2.0 by omerkamal on 10/03/2007
What are nullable types?
Partial Types in C# 2.0 by omerkamal on 10/03/2007
Brief look on the specification of Partial types in C# 2.0
Embed or Bind a DropDownList in a Gridview by omerkamal on 28/12/2006
This code will explain that how can we use DropDownlist in a Gridview
Creating Templates Programmatically in the Repeater Control by omerkamal on 17/12/2006
How to create Repeater Templete with coding behind.
Generic Classes in C# 2.0 by omerkamal on 13/12/2006
This is an Introduction to Generics in C# 2.0
Basics of Object-Oriented Programming by omerkamal on 23/07/2006
This Article introduces the Basics of Object-Oriented Programming - Reader level: Biggner
Static Classes and Static Class Members by omerkamal on 23/06/2006
This Article introduces the Static Class which is new addition to the .NET Framework - Reader level: All